Nipple Surgery

Although breast augmentation or reduction operations usually come to mind first when it comes to breast aesthetic operations, depression, size or smallness that exist in the nipples can cause serious problems both aesthetically and functionally. The fact that the nipples are decadent indicates a serious problem, as well as aesthetic, as well as sanitary. A collapsed nipple can be of a size that will prevent breastfeeding after birth. This may mean that the milk ducts connected to the nipple are also not sufficiently developed. In both cases, the breastfeeding process may be in trouble. For women who experience such problems, nipple Aesthetic Surgery is necessary. 

It is usually not a medical problem that the nipples are larger or smaller than they should be, but this leads to the formation of a non-aesthetic appearance. Large nipples can also be socially uncomfortable, especially since they can appear prominently from under women's clothes.

The fact that the rings around the nipple are wider than usual is also one of the elements that damage the appearance of the nipple. In the same way, size differences can be seen between the two nipples and between the Rings. In such cases, it may be necessary to resort to nipple surgery. 

Considering how important breast aesthetics are as of adolescence, it will be understood that these problems are things that will not be underestimated at all.

Who Can Have Nipple Aesthetic Surgery?

Any adult woman who has completed physical development who is not satisfied with the appearance of the nipple can have nipple surgery. At the same time, breast trauma, breast sagging, cancer, such as women who have suffered diseases such as deterioration of The Shape of the nipple can occur. Burning and similar traumatic accidents can also cause damage to the nipples. Any woman who experiences such conditions can have nipple surgery.

How Is Nipple Surgery Performed?

Breast aesthetic operations are performed under local anesthesia. It is basically based on the liberalization of the milk ducts that pull the nipples in without being cut and torn. Depending on the size of the disease, fat or muscle supplements can be made under the nipple so that it does not recur later Nov. In the same way, the size and size of the nipple can be easily resolved. If the rings around the breast are large, the area in question can also be easily removed by cutting. 

The birth of the nipple, or breast cancer can be seen rarely after the total disappearance. For patients with this condition, it can be created by imitating parts of the skin that will be removed from other parts of their body, as well as the nipple and surrounding peoples.

Is nipple Aesthetic Surgery an obstacle to breastfeeding?

Developing medical techniques can easily ensure that the milk ducts are not damaged during nipple surgery. Therefore, there is no obstacle to breastfeeding during nipple surgery. On the contrary, surgery will allow women who experience problems with a collapsed nipple to be able to breastfeed easily.

How Does The Recovery Process Progress After Surgery?

After nipple aesthetics surgery, you can be discharged on the same day. But on the advice of your doctor, you may need to spend the night in the hospital. After surgery, pain can be heard at a level that can be easily controlled with painkillers. Swelling in the breast area will disappear within a few days. Bandages are removed after 3-4 days. After surgery, it is necessary to use an athlete's bra for two weeks. Although those who have nipple surgery can return to their daily lives within a few days, they should stay away from heavy sports and similar practices for a month. After surgery, there is no loss of sensation from the nipples.

Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery

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